Postcode Finder

Enter the postcode below to see the location of the postcode area on the map.



Enter the postcode and click Find. If you enter a valid postcode the map will zoom in to show you the postcode area in detail. You can drag the map and zoom out or in to look at the area. If the map zooms out to show the UK, the postcode you entered was not found. Remember to include the space in the postcode.

We use the National Statistics Postcode Products data to find the locality of a UK postcode. The ONSPD data contains the approximate centre of the area a single postcode covers. In an urban area it is usually a street or part of a street. In a rural area it can cover a large area. Some buildings have a postcode of their own and a few have multiple postcodes.


The map shown is provided by OpenStreetMap and the map data is © OpenStreetMap contributors, released under ODbL. Map tiles are licensed CC BY-SA.

The Postcode data is published on National Statistics Postcode Products and is licenced under the Open Government Licence. It contains OS & ONS data © Crown copyright and database right 2013.

© 2012 Chris Hill

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